Sunday, December 17, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Long time!
The season is upon us and it's been crazy busy at work these days. I get more hours that way! But it's nice when I get a day off where I don't have to do anything. (That probably won't happen till next year again!)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I don't remember which day
But one of the things I meant to add is that my little rose bush, the minature one I have in my craft/sewing room, which is supposed to be a white rose bush, has a yellow one opening up! It’s so odd! All the others have been white and this one is definitely yellow.
Weirdness but it’s so great!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Pretty pattern
I found the free pattern at and joined a kal for making this at which also has a picture of the shawl.
And! I found some yummy colored yarn to make it in. It’s the one on the top of the page, although I ordered it through Joann’s since it was cheaper there.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
1. Finalizing plans for our knitting circle at work! We got permission to meet at the store on the first and third saturdays an hour before the store opens. So far it’s definitely Debra, Dylan and myself, but we’ve got interest from Heidi, Tiffany, Jennifer, and quite possibly Tonya, too. Tonya is the store manager as of the first of the month. I’m so excited! We’re going to do t-shirts and have them say Chicks with Sticks. Dylan is an art major and she’s going to design them.
2. The new Vogue Knitting. There’s a CUTE purple dress/jumper in there I just HAVE to make.
3. Battlestar Galactica. It’s back!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Awesome lady!
You give so much of yourself to us and make us all feel good about ourselves. You have encouraging words and wise advice, happy feelings and comforting touches. I hope your day is at least half as great as you make the rest of us feel.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
1. The Lost recap. I saved it on the tivo for Harlan, just in case he decides he wants to watch the new season along with me. Next week! It’s coming!
2. Having two months worth of selections chosen at and both titles I have on my tbr!
3. Knowing my Virtual Villagers are still alive. I don’t check on them too often, and once they scared me by being down to something like 30 in population, but they’re back up there now. Whew! (for those who don’t know, this is a game I’ve been playing for ages)
Friday, September 22, 2006
I’m earlier than usual!
1. A Clay Aiken free show!
2 Books! From PBS Strangewood by Christopher Golden..from S&S Just Between Us by Cathy Kelly..a free promo at work called The Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass First Novel.
3. Davy Jones singing a kids song at
4. My copy of Ice Dragon by George RR Martin finally came in at work! It came home with me, too!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
1. Watching the birds. I’ve got two feeders out back (one of them is a nice one my father in law made for me) and it’s nice to see the birds happy.
2. Sim City. I got on a tangent with a city that was actually doing really well and forgot about everything else for a few hours.
3. Discovering a new bud on my miniature rose bush. It’s in my sewing room and I’ve had some trouble keeping it going when it’s hot out, but it’s doing great now.
Monday, September 11, 2006
The day has been filled already!
1. A picture of a new niece! Grace Elizabeth was born September 5th.
2. A shopping day with my sister. It was so fun!
3. Finding SEVERAL dresses I really wanted. I usually only find one. Course, I only bought one of them. But it’s enough to know I could have gotten both. The Dress Barn had phenomenal prices!
4. A small piece of raspberry caramel.
5. Harlan cooking supper. I didn’t have to cook today!
6. Driving with the top down!
7. Realizing that I’ve maintained being a size 8 for over a year now. It makes me feel good to know I’m not gaining, even if I’m not losing.
8. Reading things at 43T. It’s so gratifying to meet new people and find so many great things being accomplished here.
Friday, September 08, 2006
1. Having Ben Barnes speak at the store and selling out of all his books. We could have sold twice as many!
2. Getting to ignore the work needing to be done while our author was there. The crowd was just too big to be able to stock anything and oddly enough, there were no phone calls!
3. Getting two more DMC 699 floss. I thought I was going to run out and Walmart had just two left. I think I’ll have enough for my project now.
4. Finding a skirt I like on clearance for $5.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
1. New t-shirts at work! This time it’s for a September music promotion. It’s fun to be able to wear t-shirts and jeans to work and looks neat when we’re all wearing the same thing.
2. New calendars in at work! It took me a while to get the stand pulled out and get them set up. I got myself a new Josephine Wall calendar with magnets with her artwork. I love them.
3. Watching episodes of Rome that I missed seeing on HBO. I really like this show and I hope it has a good second season.
Monday, August 14, 2006
1. Finishing my game of Virtual Villagers. The golden child is funny to watch. And he definitely likes to party. And chase butterflies. Very cool.
2. Knowing I have enough on my gift card to get the first season of Rome (the HBO series) that recently came out. I may do that.
3. Having a great time with There are a few on there worth listening to. I recommend Shadowmagic. It’s the same guy that did the voice on Red Dwarf for the talking toaster. (I LOVE Red Dwarf.)
4. Changing the sheets on the bed.
Triads are old sayings.
The first triad:
Three followers of wisdom:
As wisdom grows in your heart, so too your powers of imagination, sense of purpose and mission in the world and your ability to work hard and achieve your goals.
1. Spending the day with Harlan.
2. Having dinner at Chili’s, even though it seemed as if they were rushing us through. It wasn’t busy, though, so it might have just been me.
3. Watching some rented movies together and not having to worry about getting up in the morning. I fell asleep during the last one. Darn. But it was still fun. We don’t do that often any more. Not together, anyway.
Friday, August 11, 2006
I fell asleep last night before adding anything here. Now I’m trying to remember the day! Isn’t that awful?
1. Getting a good report from the higher ups on their inspection of the store at work. Yay!
2. Getting permission to start the book club for the store and give customers 20% off of whatever book I choose for that month.
3. Getting the magazines of what’s coming out from one of the publishers I’ve reviewed for. They sent the fall and winter selections for me to look at. I can choose from those for review copies if I wish!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Sunny days
1. Finding out I gave everyone a laugh by goofing up on the store intercom today. They couldn’t believe I actually said “what am I thinking?” out loud in the middle of it all.
2. Being able to watch a tv show on my iPod at lunch. Since it’s too hot to leave a book in the car, this is the next best thing.
3. Getting a hug and a smile from Harlan when he came home from work. It feels good to be valued.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Well, Advisory Board sent me a hardcover yesterday called The Expected One and I got the Illuminator from PBS. But I timed things badly on Queen of Swords. I bought that one because I have to lead the discussion on it for a reading group. I did buy it used, though! So does it count? I’m undecided. It’s the first one this month that cost me actual cash. I wonder if I need to start over with this goal.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
We got a whole bunch of promos in at work. Cale took some and let me choose a few, so I picked two: The Sacred Cut by David Hewson and Imperium by Robert Harris (the one who wrote Pompeii). Imperium is a novel of ancient Rome and looks really good! The other seems to be a murder mystery. I love the perks of my job!
The Forest Mage
This month of not buying any new books has reaped a bounty of free ones! I just got Robin Hobb’s The Forest Mage, the sequel to Shaman’s Crossing, which of course I don’t have yet, but will need to get. Is it out in paperback yet?
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Bardic course
I had begun a Bardic course through OBOD a long time ago, and then I had kids move into the house and everything got forgotten for a while. Now I’ve decided that I’d like to continue on with it. Since before, they’ve put the entire course on 28 cds! Very cool! I can put them in my iPod and take them with me! I can hardly wait till they get here!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Oprah group?
I'm undecided on what to do about the Oprah group. Oprah doesn't seem to have any interest in her reading group any more and it's hard to run an Oprah reading group without any books to read and discuss. Then when she switched from classics to modern, many of the more verbal members wandered away, and that makes sense. They joined because they wanted to discuss classics and the group did well then. Course, A Million Little Pieces is a marvelous book, no matter what kind of bad press it's gotten. I'm glad I read it. Night is a marvelous book, too. I'm also glad I read it. But those are the only two books she's chosen in a YEAR. No reading group can survive on only two books in a year.
I've mentioned closing down the group several times and once when I did, we got a lot of chit chat, but no real book discussion going on. I've tried having co-moderators to no avail. It only ends up being a "what have you read" kind of thing and no real book discussion going on. Maybe I'm talking myself into closing it down as I type. I don't know. But I gave myself today as a deadline to decide on what to do with it. Procrastinating won't help. The whole group has had like 17 or 18 messages all month, most of those from me. It's hard to have a discussion with yourself, isn't it?
I don't know. We'll see what happens.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
POD-dy Mouth: Random notes to the authors of the last seven POD books I read:
This is so funny! And so true! I've read a few POD books and one of them had such awful spelling that we didn't even put it out on the shelf in the book shop I work in. Yes, the description of the book on the back cover had more than half the words spelled incorrectly. Ewww! Imagine what was inside! But check this post out. It's great fun.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The grandkids are supposed to be coming over today and I haven't gotten anything done around here yet. I imagine I should start by getting dressed and getting the dishes done, but it's been so much fun playing first.
On with the day!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
One of my granddaughters has a birthday on the 17th also and I finally got her a card to stick some money in. It's cute. It's got a picture of a cat blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. I'll mail it in the morning. I hope she gets it in time!
Today was one of those weird days at work. I had a guy looking for some software games for an eight year old. We have some software, not a lot, but I showed him what we had and recommended a couple. He wanted one with math in it. Now tell me there's an eight year old out there that'll just sit and do math problems. I showed him three different games that contain math concepts and he didn't want any of them because they were GAMES. (big sigh) Most kids I know learn more easily if the computer program is in the form of a game. But that's just me. What do I know? Course then he asked if I would order him "the program." I asked him what the name of the program was that he wanted. He didn't know. Any idea of what it might be called? Nope. I kinda need the name of a program in order to order it. I don't think he had an idea what he wanted.
I'm so glad to be home. Normally I love my job. I play in the books. I stock them, I alphabetize them, I pick them up, hunt for them, set up the displays, all that fun stuff. But there were just some weird people out there today.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Desperate Housewives
Valerie sent me a copy of Collapse (Jared Diamond) that came in the mail today. That was so nice of her! I've been wanting to read that one for a while now. Maybe I'll start on it tonight, although I should probably get some sleep. Morning comes early and with Cale in Waco this week, I get some good hours in at work. Yay! I can always use a bigger paycheck.
I've been so disorganized. I look around and I see books that I need to send off for bookcrossing or put away somewhere. And read! I have The Far Pavillions coming up at Chunky Books, and The Executioner's Song, too. Sounds like some good reading, doesn't it?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Make a goal like this and you get lots of surprises! Well, a few anyway. I got a copy of Lisey’s Story in the mail today! I had requested a copy to review it for several places and had given up on getting a copy. So it was a really nice surprise!
I also got that book that I won at the beginning of the month from Favorite Pasttimes. It’s by Tricia Goyer and called Night Song. It looks really good!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Yesterday was a productive day for the most of it. I actually got a pair of socks started!! I am so happy! Except that I have to tear up what I've done. Between two of the needles, I didn't tighten it up enough and it's got a loop. Dang it! But I'm thinking I should take it down to Mary's to show her how I got it going. Maybe I should take the wrap I started for Cacia along, too. Projects, projects.
I have to remember to ask Peanut about birthdays. Now onward!
Friday, July 07, 2006
New neighbors
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Phillip came to visit!

I always like seeing my family, and Phillip surprised us with a visit on Sunday night. I was going to catch him unaware with my camera, but as you can see, he was ready for me. It was a nice visit. He plans to travel in a couple of years so I treasure the time we have together now. After all, who knows if he'll come home again any time soon? We got to see Emily, his lady, the next day. Originally, they were going to go home so she could work the next morning, but she called in. Her family lives in the same area that we do, so she was visiting them for a while, too, but we still got to see her. Yay!
We had some promos come in at work and Cale let me pick from the ones he didn’t want. I only took one: Ricochet by Sandra Brown. Free reading!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The days are just packed!
Emily's been sewing and I sent some of my older patterns home with her to play with. I'll be curious to see some of her work when we go to visit next time.
My niece Peanut and her family will be down next weekend! They arrive on Saturday, but since they drive all the way from Iowa to Texas straight through, I think it's best to give them some sleeping time when they get here, so we'll go down on Sunday to visit. I need to remember to take some pictures!
I watched Lonesome Dove on Sunday (Hallmark channel had an all day thing going on) and of course, just because I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't seen it, Harlan would walk in..and make remarks about what was going to happen in the movie. Grrr. He spoiled several places for me, so I'll have to keep my eyes open for a payback. lol
Happy 4th of July to all who celebrate it! I have to work tonight.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Favorite PASTimes: Welcome to PASTimes!
What a marvelous way to begin a new month! These great people have let me know that I've won a book! Yay, me! Check out their site. Historical fiction is a favorite read of mine and this site is started by some great authors.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Balancing the checkbook!
Miss Jordyn turns six!
I got to talk to Phillip, my own birthday boy, last night! It always makes me feel good to hear his voice. He stays busy with his tattoo work.
I didn't get to play with socks last night. I was a little tired when I got home from work, so I pretty much vegged out.
I wonder what work will bring today....
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I finally got a picture taken of that shawl I had been working on earlier and thought I would share it. It's a little over six feet long, but mostly I wanted to try to get the pattern itself to show up. Whatcha think? I got this pattern free from . They've got some really nice freebies there. Check it out!
Here's a picture!
Phillip's birthday!
If you read this, Happy birthday, Phillip. It's a happy day!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Socks are evil!
Ephemera 2 Belladonna

I'm ecstatic! I wrote to ask about a review copy of Belladonna and they said they'd be sure I got one, but to remind them after the new year. Yay! I LOVE that series! Have you read the first one? It's Sebastian by Anne Bishop. I can't recommend it highly enough. Ephemera is a new series and it promises to be every bit as good as the Black Jewels. I'm definitely an Anne Bishop fan.
Well, after all that, I didn't get started on my socks today. I've been goofing off most of the day and now I've got to actually get a few things done around here! I have work tomorrow and you know what that means.....needing clothes clean to go to work in. Oh well. It's been a fun day just being lazy. We all need those every so often, don't we?
A different approach
I gave up on that first pattern. It was off the label of the yarn and while that’s a nice basic pattern, when you’re trying to learn these things, it’s nice to have something to refer to. So! I went looking for sock how-to on the net and I found this! What a wonderful thing for Terri to do, putting this all together for people like me. I’ve got to write and thank her.
Free offers
If you’re interested in some free cleaning supplies to make your house nice, here’s one that you can sign up for (it expires soon).
We all like clean homes, don’t we?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Accu-chek monitors
Just thought it was a great enough deal to pass it along.
I get my car back this afternoon! Oh happy day! But first I get to go out to lunch with my darling husband, so I'd better get a move on so I don't end up too late.
So far, so good, today!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
It's warm out there!
We finally had to invest in an air conditioner again. We use a small window one in the bedroom at night and the old one (which we got free from a friend) finally just gave out last night. I woke up and it was pretty warm in here.
Ah, Sunday...I should be working, but playing is so much fun!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Off to work!
Where do all of my pens go?
Monday, June 19, 2006
Without a car
Bad intersection!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Father's Day!
Anyway, today my mind is on my son, who is a father of three. He's locked up in Lovelady at the moment. I'm sure he's lonesome and feeling sad, especially today. Two of his children acquired a new stepfather in May. Jesse is really great with the kids and far more responsible about taking care of them. I'm really glad they have him. Today would be his first Father's Day, officially. I wonder what the kids did for him. He does a lot for the kids. I hope they did something nice.
It's sad to think of Jake missing out on all of this, but I also know he only has himself to blame. He's never shown responsibility the way he should. He's also spent so long locked up, only out for months at a time, it seems. The last time (before this) that he was locked up, he promised the kids they were going to be a proper family. Connie took them to visit him regularly. He'd gotten locked up when the now seven year old was just turned one. He was still locked up when his only son was born shortly after. So when he did get out, did he fulfill his promises? No. He decided to go work in a tattoo shop, which would have been okay, but he spent all the money he made rather than help with any bills or food and went out and partied it away. He wasn't faithful to his wife. He didn't spend any time with the kids. When Connie caught him, they split up. He'd only been out two weeks when it all started. Less than a year later he was locked up again. I miss him. He can be very sweet. But I'm being honest when I say he hasn' t done right by his kids. Now he wants to get to know them, but they've moved on. His daughter up north wants to know him and wants a father in her life. I hope he can actually settle down and do right by her. I hope that with all my heart, for her sake. But who knows what will happen?
Friday, June 02, 2006
Reading withdrawl
Then poor Harlan's car broke down on his way home from work last night and I had to go get him. It's a darn good thing we have three vehicles. I can't imagine how we would both get to work with just mine. I love my car!
As a result of all the organizing, though, I haven't had nearly the time to read that I would like. I've got Doomsday Book going, and Thriller on loan (and I need to finish that up soon!) and a lot I want to get started in. I don't imagine I'll get a lot of reading time in with the inlaws here, either, but we'll see.
It's payday! Another thing to take care of...
Monday, May 29, 2006
Today is about remembering. There are several I have cared greatly about who are gone now. There are many who have died for my way of life, too. I hope I won't be alone in taking time out of my day to remember them.
Yesterday would have been Candy's birthday. I've started a story told through Tristan's eyes in honor of her.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
New Kittens!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
It was so hard choosing what to watch, though! Who's going to win American Idol? Taylor or Kathryn? My choice is Taylor. I just like him better, and I'm more likely to buy his cd. I was glad to see Chris there, too. I'll be watching for his cd, too.
And House! What a great season finale! I was so surprised!
Ah, the magic of tivo! I love it! I did miss seeing the next part of 10.5: Apocalypse, though. But that's okay. I had some great viewing entertainment anyway!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Scarborough Faire
Phillip, however, didn't remember to bring our cell phone numbers with him, and so we kept missing each other all day. It wasn't until the park was closing that we actually ran into each other! So, I didn't get to see my son most of the day, but at least I did finally manage to see him.
I wonder if I should make a costume to wear next year!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Good news!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Get a newspaper today!
I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last made an entry here, and my livejournal is suffering, too.
My Jake is still locked up in segregation. He was recently stabbed and it breaks my heart that he's in such an awful place as that. How does that happen when he's in segregation? I've heard stories about the guards there, and not good ones, either.
My son Phillip is taking mom to the Scarborough Faire for Mom's Day this weekend! It's been years since I've been to one, and Harlan never has, so it should be a fun day. It's a bit of a drive, but that's okay. I'll have a book and my psp along. (Set for every contingency.)
Friday, April 14, 2006
My birthday yesterday!
For Alice Pinkerton, trapped in a suffocating life of convention and party chatter, 1903 New York society is enough to make a woman mad--or at least make her a madwoman in the attic. So Alice escapes through the looking glass of literature, finding companionship and inspiration in Shakespeare, Wilde, Hawthorne, Stevenson, Poe, Austen, and the rest of the literary pantheon of her day. Like a character from one of her favorite novels, Alice holds a biting, eccentric view of life, seeing beyond the limitations of her circumstances to create a fascinating portrait of her society.
Heartbreaking and wildly funny, intelligent and dazzling in its range, Pinkerton's Sister is a true celebration of the imagination and a mesmerizing example of the saving power of fiction. Most of of, itis the quintessential novel for readers.
Now I ask you: how could I possibly resist that one? I know, I keep trying to get my tbr under control, but after all, it was my birthday and it gave me something special from my co-workers.
They surprised me yesterday with a cupcake tree (they couldn't find a sugarfree cake anywhere in town for sale) and some Hershey kisses, the ones with cherry in them. They are to DIE for! And then of course some meat and cheese and crackers. And! A gift card for $25. I certainly wasn't expecting any of it. Each cupcake had a plastic ring in it, some with butterflies, some with Easter eggs. I chose a blue butterfly for myself and had fun wearing it all day.
Yesterday had some phone calls after work, too. My sister Mary called and my brother John rattled on for quite a while, too. Michelle, mom to a few of my grandchildren, called last night, too, although she didn't realize what day it was and I didn't remind her. She was having a really bad day and needed an ear more than anything. I'll have to try calling her tonight and see if she is having it any easier in the light of day.
Harlan was home later from work than usual and then had to watch his Mavericks game. Me, I read and fell asleep. All in all, a decent day.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Uncle Sam
Saturday, April 08, 2006
We have progress!
Friday, March 31, 2006
With the day off of work, I'm going to see how much I can clear up around here. The fire ants are trying to invade the house, looking for water (meaning they get in every so often by the sink) so it's time to do something about them. I think they've managed to build a hill under the house somewhere. I hate those things!
It's warmed up a bit, too, and is into the 70s. I have my plants back outside and my geraniums are going very well. I have one I need to repot. My cat ate my pixie lily, so I'm waiting to see if that comes back. She at the impatiens, too, but it's flowering again, happy to be out of her reach. That cat will eat anything!
I've been knitting happily along. I got a dishcloth done in variegated greens the other day. I'll have to dig out my flour sack towels and decide on some designs on those. I may draw my own and personalize a few. Quilting pens are very handy for that.
The Advisory Board sent me a book called Above Suspicion by Lynda La Plante. Looks good! I hope to get to that one this coming week.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Broken Chains
This is where one of my sons is:
75 Ad -Seg. prisoners are on hunger strike at the Eastham Unit, in Lovelady,Texas, near Houston, Texas; over a multitude of grievances, between 350 & 400 have already been submitted at this 98.75 % to at-capacityunit. 304 beds shy of overflow, there have been two riots in General Population that have taken place in the past week. The word is out that imminent Unit -Lockdown status is forthcoming.
>One of the hunger strikers, a self-styled Anarchist /Eco / Prison Activist, Ernest Martinez, Jr., #761046, with his Ad-Seg.-cellblock in lockdown, has sent us a list of 14 complaints/grievances from his assessments, and asked us for solidarity, and to publicize this, and also to write letters lodging complaints to theEastham ( called the "HAM" ) administration :
Senior Warden David L.Stacks,
TDCJ Eastham Unit,
P.O. Box 16,
Lovelady, Texas 75851.
The deplorable conditions that exist at the "HAM", are here in the main list of demands:
1. Educational / Library access has been terminated due to budget cuts.
2. Food portions have been cut in half.
3. Food is being served cold / No bread (s) on tray for over a month.
4. Dishwasher broken / several weeks ( increasing hepatitis risk )
5. Many cellblocks with very little or no heat. During rainy weather lower level cells are flooded due to leaks in roofs, walls, vents, and windows.
6. Prisoners who are elligible - are NOT being broughtup for promotions and / or not being allowed to make a 5 - minute phone call every 90 days.
7. There is a chronic staff shortage. ( this includes both medical as well as guards )
8. Due to staff shortage, prisoners are not given alloted recreation periods. Some times we are only given 1 -3 hours of rec. per week.
9. Ad-Seg. rec. yard-kennels are literally caked with bird excrement very unsanitary and a health risk ).
10. Prison officials do not respond to and / or even bother to return requests made by prisoners.
11. Guards are quick to write up disciplinary reports for even the most mundane and / or archaic rule infractions.
12. Sick - Calls go unanswered for up to 2 weeks. (Note: this prisoner has submitted two Sick - Call requests within the last 9 days and still has not been seen. )
13. As of December 13, 2003, U.S Mail is is no longer picked up / distributed on Saturdays.
14. Haircutting implements are not being properly sanitized. On haircut day 20 - 40 prisoners are forced to have their hair cut with the same clippers and blades. ( Increases Hepatitis risk / other skin and scalp infections )
Ernest says..." of course this is just the tip of the adversity iceberg, many other aberrant violations occur behind these walls every day."
Also write a letter to:
TDCJ Region I Director's Office
1225 Avenue G,
Huntsville, Texas 77340
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Chris Daughtry

It's been a wild ride on television so far this week! Prison Break is back! And 24 deserves praise for always raising the bar on excitement and surprises. Can you believe what happened with Edgar? Then there's American Idol. Who are they going to vote off? Who will make it to the end? For my money, and especially after that version of Walk the Line, Chris Daughtry deserves to win. He's definitely talented, but then so are many of the others. I like Elliott, I like Taylor, and Lisa, too. But Chris shows the most originality and showcases his talent like a star. Have you seen him? Tune into American Idol on Fox tonight and see who stays and who leaves. Here's a picture of Chris. You should be voting for him!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I also caught up on a few of my Tivoed (how DO you spell that?) items. I still have about two weeks worth of soaps to watch, but I did manage to finally watch the highlights of the Oscars. Course, it ran over and the show ended right as they were going to announce best actress. At least I already know it was Reese Witherspoon. I like her. She seems like a nice person.
I give myself so many things to do. I never get anywhere near done with my list. Why do I do that?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
St Patrick's Day was memorable!
After that we went looking around at Home Depot. I found the kitchen countertop I want! It's black with beautiful silver flakes in it. Silestone was the brand. I must remember that. I love looking around and planning out how we're going to remodel this place as we get the money. My sewing room still needs the doors done.
So we got ourselves an interior decorating program for the computer, came home and had supper and I did get to watch Dr Who on the scifi channel! Very fun! But there was no real carrying on for the holiday, darn it. Maybe next year. At least I don't have a hangover!
Today I'm going to start in on my spring cleaning, I think. I listed it at which is a marvelous site! Check it out!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
What did you think?
I got three reading group polls put up already this morning and I'm getting ready to leave for work, so I feel pretty accomplished already today! I love watching to see which book is going to get chosen each time.
There's no American Idol on tonight! But! I heard that Alias is coming back next month! Woo hoo! I LOVE that show!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I love American Idol!
It's cold out there!
I got a letter from Jake yesterday and he sounded occupied. He's figured out a way to make "paint brushes" out of toilet paper and it's giving his work a little more depth. I hope when he gets out he can find something to do with his art. He's very good. I'll try to get a picture or two up of it here if I can figure out how to scan the canvas or get a good enough picture of it.
Phillip (my other son), has been busy with his work. He's a tattoo artist in Denton. He's also very good! Their styles are a bit different, though. I can look at an example of each and tell who did which one.
It's good to find something you love and then find a way to make a living with it.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Where have I been?

I've been so remiss here, but I think it's because I can't decide just what I want to do with this blog. I already have a reading one and it seems silly to have two of them. It would just be duplication.
For those who don't know, I have a son away from home. His name is Jake and he'll be away for a few more years yet. His biggest crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and not choosing his friends wisely. I'll add a picture of him here. If there's anyone who wants his address to write to him, email me at diamondlightfoot at yahoo dot com. I know he could use the moral support.