Monday, July 24, 2006

Oprah group?

I was sure I'd posted something here since the 19th, but I guess not. Maybe I was dreaming about it. Anyway!

I'm undecided on what to do about the Oprah group. Oprah doesn't seem to have any interest in her reading group any more and it's hard to run an Oprah reading group without any books to read and discuss. Then when she switched from classics to modern, many of the more verbal members wandered away, and that makes sense. They joined because they wanted to discuss classics and the group did well then. Course, A Million Little Pieces is a marvelous book, no matter what kind of bad press it's gotten. I'm glad I read it. Night is a marvelous book, too. I'm also glad I read it. But those are the only two books she's chosen in a YEAR. No reading group can survive on only two books in a year.

I've mentioned closing down the group several times and once when I did, we got a lot of chit chat, but no real book discussion going on. I've tried having co-moderators to no avail. It only ends up being a "what have you read" kind of thing and no real book discussion going on. Maybe I'm talking myself into closing it down as I type. I don't know. But I gave myself today as a deadline to decide on what to do with it. Procrastinating won't help. The whole group has had like 17 or 18 messages all month, most of those from me. It's hard to have a discussion with yourself, isn't it?

I don't know. We'll see what happens.

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