Monday, September 11, 2006


The day has been filled already!

1. A picture of a new niece! Grace Elizabeth was born September 5th.

2. A shopping day with my sister. It was so fun!

3. Finding SEVERAL dresses I really wanted. I usually only find one. Course, I only bought one of them. But it’s enough to know I could have gotten both. The Dress Barn had phenomenal prices!

4. A small piece of raspberry caramel.

5. Harlan cooking supper. I didn’t have to cook today!

6. Driving with the top down!

7. Realizing that I’ve maintained being a size 8 for over a year now. It makes me feel good to know I’m not gaining, even if I’m not losing.

8. Reading things at 43T. It’s so gratifying to meet new people and find so many great things being accomplished here.

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