Monday, May 29, 2006


Today is Memorial Day and we're going to probably go see X Men 3! Yay! It's one I've been wanting to see. No picnic, though.

Today is about remembering. There are several I have cared greatly about who are gone now. There are many who have died for my way of life, too. I hope I won't be alone in taking time out of my day to remember them.

Yesterday would have been Candy's birthday. I've started a story told through Tristan's eyes in honor of her.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Kittens!

I'll have to see if I can get closer to get a picture of them, but the stray who always has her kittens in our back yard has had another litter. There's only three left now. I want the black one! They are so cute! They look a little older and were out playing this morning. They don't stay around long once you've seen them out from their hiding spot. I'm thinking about feeding them in hopes of keeping them here. Wouldn't Harlan just love me?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Did anyone watch this last night? I thought it was great! It's been so long since I read the book, and having King write the teleplay, I knew it would stay true to that. Well done! I like the choice of actors, too.

It was so hard choosing what to watch, though! Who's going to win American Idol? Taylor or Kathryn? My choice is Taylor. I just like him better, and I'm more likely to buy his cd. I was glad to see Chris there, too. I'll be watching for his cd, too.

And House! What a great season finale! I was so surprised!

Ah, the magic of tivo! I love it! I did miss seeing the next part of 10.5: Apocalypse, though. But that's okay. I had some great viewing entertainment anyway!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Scarborough Faire

We had such a nice time yesterday! I think my favorite of the shows was Don Juan and Miguel. They were hilarious! I want to go again next year. The costumes were amazing and fun to see. There was even an executioner and a couple of the costumes had to have been pretty warm to wear, considering what a nice day it was out. It looked like rain to begin with, but then the sun came out and it was a perfect day.

Phillip, however, didn't remember to bring our cell phone numbers with him, and so we kept missing each other all day. It wasn't until the park was closing that we actually ran into each other! So, I didn't get to see my son most of the day, but at least I did finally manage to see him.

I wonder if I should make a costume to wear next year!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Good news!

Connie (the former daughter-in-law) called this morning and my granddaughter, Jennine (aka Neener) is going to be placed in the advanced classes! She's in first grade now. I'm so proud! She brought home a note for mom last night and said, "Karen told me to give you this." Connie: "Karen?" Neener: "Yes, Ms Hubbard, you know? My teacher?" lol She's such a nut! Poor Connie. She's got her work cut out for her. But what fun work it'll be!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Get a newspaper today!

That's a reminder to myself that my first printed review releases today in one of the local papers, the Stephenville Empire Tribune! I'm very happy about that. Now I've got to get busy on the next one!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last made an entry here, and my livejournal is suffering, too.

My Jake is still locked up in segregation. He was recently stabbed and it breaks my heart that he's in such an awful place as that. How does that happen when he's in segregation? I've heard stories about the guards there, and not good ones, either.

My son Phillip is taking mom to the Scarborough Faire for Mom's Day this weekend! It's been years since I've been to one, and Harlan never has, so it should be a fun day. It's a bit of a drive, but that's okay. I'll have a book and my psp along. (Set for every contingency.)